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Join date: Jun 2, 2022


Customized templates and draw guides:Quickly and easily create a template to use when starting a new drawing project. Once you’ve created a template, you can save it for future use or use it as a “starting point” that gives you specific guidance and best practices for creating the drawing. (video: 1:18 min.)Advanced edit commands:The AutoCAD Edit command has been greatly enhanced to include commands that make it easy to edit and manipulate text and images. Some of these commands can be used right from the command line, and others are available from the ribbon. All of the commands are available in the new Quick Access toolbar and are reflected in the Quick Access Panel. (video: 1:38 min.)Click-through text and high-contrast display:High contrast display is also now available for screen-displayed text. By default, users will have two text colors in screen mode, with a monochrome background. This allows users to easily see and edit the text. To enable high-contrast display, users can activate the High Contrast option in the Screen Display dialog. (video: 1:12 min.)Crosshair:The crosshair is a tool that assists in drawing and editing lines, including setting the direction of the line. In addition, the crosshair is now available for editing 3D solids. (video: 1:48 min.)Perspective:The perspective command has been greatly improved. The command’s cursor can now be used to draw the front view of a 3D object, making it much easier to use this tool. The command now also remembers the last two positions that were used to create a planar and oblique view. Additionally, you can now create a reflection on a plane, a mirror image of the objects in your drawing. (video: 2:14 min.)3D model ray tracing:Ray tracing, or ray tracing in the old-school sense, has been available in AutoCAD for a long time. In fact, you can view many of the same objects in 3D using the old-fashioned ray tracing method that AutoCAD introduced in 2012. In AutoCAD 2023, the new ray tracing features—in the 3D rendering and 3D drafting components of the program—have been significantly enhanced to make it easier to display 3D objects, including creating realistic 2be273e24d


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